Tribus Odonaspidini

Diagnostic characters of adult female Odonaspidini are: never pupillarial, but scale cover with ventral and dorsal parts well developed and entirely enclosing female's body; body usually oval or elongate-oval; pygidium without marginal lobes (occasionally appearing to have a single, median lobe); plates absent, gland spines rarely present (only in Froggattiella); ducts numerous, one- or two-barred, short and slender, similar in size and number on dorsal and ventral surfaces, not arranged in neat rows or series; abdominal disc pores, if present, perivulvar in distribution, arranged in 3 groups; stigmatic disc pores present; preygidium without plates, but duct tubercles sometimes present; antennae each with only one seta; intersegmental folds present on both surfaces of thorax and abdomen; crenulae numerous in distinct segmental bands across thoracic and abdominal sternites; abdominal segments 4 and 5 typically with separate tergites and fused sternites; postvulvar sternite distinct; mostly feeding on grasses and bamboos (Ben-Dov, 1988); tropical and subtropical, with the largest number of species found in the Oriental region; about 16 species distributed world-wide (Kozár, 1990a).

Ben-Dov, 1988, discusses the Odonaspidini in greater detail. Members of this tribe may be distinguished from members of the Rugaspidiotini by possessing only one seta on each antenna, and by having intersegmental folds on both surfaces; members of the Rugaspidiotini have two setae on each antenna and lack intersegmental folds.

Members of this tribe may be distinguished from members of the Rugaspidiotini by: only 1 seta present on each antenna; intersegmental folds present on both surfaces; 1 or 2 marginal scleroses present between abdominal segments 6/ 7 and/ or 7/ 8; and paratergal areas clearly delineated. Members of the Rugaspidiotini have: 2 setae present on each antenna; no intersegmental folds or marginal scleroses between abdominal segments 6/ 7 or 7/ 8; and paratergal areas weakly or not indicated.