Genus Lopholeucaspis


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  • Borchsenius, N.S. 1966. A catalogue of the armoured scale insects (Diaspidoidea) of the world. (In Russian.) Nauka, Moscow, Leningrad, Russia. 449 pp.
  • Danzig, E.M. 1993. Fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. Scale insects (Coccinea). Volume X Rhynchota. Families Phoenicococcidae and Diaspididae. (In Russian.) Nauka Publishing House, St Petersburg, Russia. 452 pp.
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  • Kosztarab, M. 1996. Scale insects of north-eastern North America. Identification, biology, and distribution. Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville, Virginia, USA. 650 pp.
  • Schmutterer, H. 1959. Schildläuse oder Coccoidea. 1. Deckelschildläuse oder Diaspididae. In: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile. Fischer, Jena, Germany. 45: 260 pp.
  • Takagi, S. 1969. Diaspididae of Taiwan based on material collected in connection with the Japan - U.S. co-operative science programme, 1965 (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Part I. Insecta Matsumurana, Series Entomology 32: 1-110.